Building a better client experience when it comes to making money happen.

Lateral Partners engaged us for a complete brand overhaul. With a wealth of experience behind them, the task was to communicate Lateral’s competitive edge in the financial advisory industry.

The Challenge

Lateral Partners engaged Flight Digital looking for a new website and a complete brand refresh. With a wealth of experience behind them, we understood the importance of communicating Lateral’s competitive edge in the ambitious financial advisory industry. Through website design and development, creative branding and marketing strategy, our core challenge was to convey Lateral Partners as a premium yet approachable brand.

"Flight guided us through the engagement process smoothly and were deeply engaged with our business and goals. They delivered exceptional results and we are extremely pleased with the quality of their work as well as the professionalism they've demonstrated throughout. We're looking forward to working with Flight closely going forward."

Ben Pauley, Director

Our Approach

Starting with an immersive discovery process, we got to grips with Lateral’s target customers, market positioning and brand values. From this, our creative team crafted a new logo, colour palette, font and iconography set that matched the Lateral brand, while also speaking to the specific needs of their target audience.

We knew that the website needed to be visually strong to clearly present complex services in an engaging way. With a significant focus on UX design, Flight identified the variety of users likely to use the website as a tool for research, and segmented pages by tone and style accordingly.

To generate heightened engagement with these users, we created lightning-fast interactive investment calculators and user guides for download. Bespoke contact forms also connect users to the right member of staff depending on the subject of their inquiry. From here, leads are nurtured through an integrated marketing automation platform to drive increased conversions.


Lateral Partners’ new website perfectly positions them in the market as an authority on financial services, while retaining a more personal approach. The website represents their new brand strongly and as it’s built headless (Sanity + React), the pages load before the users even notice.

The website and marketing strategy has led to an increase in leads, as well as very favourable feedback from their existing customer base. We’re continuing to work with Lateral Partners on their integrated marketing strategy and execution plan, and hope to work with them as their company grows from strength to strength.

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